2,804 research outputs found

    Computational performance of the MMOC in the inverse design of the Doswell frontogenesis equation

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    Inverse design of transport equations can be addressed by using a gradient-adjoint methodology. In this methodology numerical schemes used for the adjoint resolution determine the direction of descent in its iterative algorithm, and consequently the CPU time consumed by the inverse design. As the CPU time constitutes a known bottleneck, it is important to employ light and quick schemes to the adjoint problem. In this regard, we proposed to use the Modified Method of Characteristics (MMOC). Despite not preserving identity conservation, the MMOC is computationally competitive. In this work we investigated the advantage of using the MMOC in comparison with the Lax-Friedrichs and Lax-Wendro? schemes for the inverse design problem. By testing the Doswell frontogenesis equation, we observed that the MMOC can provide more efficient and accurate computation under some simulation conditions

    Tackling Rapid Radiations With Targeted Sequencing

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    In phylogenetic studies across angiosperms, at various taxonomic levels, polytomies have persisted despite efforts to resolve them by increasing sampling of taxa and loci. The large amount of genomic data now available and statistical tools to analyze them provide unprecedented power for phylogenetic inference. Targeted sequencing has emerged as a strong tool for estimating species trees in the face of rapid radiations, lineage sorting, and introgression. Evolutionary relationships in Cyperaceae have been studied mostly using Sanger sequencing until recently. Despite ample taxon sampling, relationships in many genera remain poorly understood, hampered by diversification rates that outpace mutation rates in the loci used. The C4 Cyperus clade of the genus Cyperus has been particularly difficult to resolve. Previous studies based on a limited set of markers resolved relationships among Cyperus species using the C3 photosynthetic pathway, but not among C4 Cyperus clade taxa. We test the ability of two targeted sequencing kits to resolve relationships in the C4 Cyperus clade, the universal Angiosperms-353 kit and a Cyperaceae-specific kit. Sequences of the targeted loci were recovered from data generated with both kits and used to investigate overlap in data between kits and relative efficiency of the general and custom approaches. The power to resolve shallow-level relationships was tested using a summary species tree method and a concatenated maximum likelihood approach. High resolution and support are obtained using both approaches, but high levels of missing data disproportionately impact the latter. Targeted sequencing provides new insights into the evolution of morphology in the C4 Cyperus clade, demonstrating for example that the former segregate genus Alinula is polyphyletic despite its seeming morphological integrity. An unexpected result is that the Cyperus margaritaceus-Cyperus niveus complex comprises a clade separate from and sister to the core C4 Cyperus clade. Our results demonstrate that data generated with a family-specific kit do not necessarily have more power than those obtained with a universal kit, but that data generated with different targeted sequencing kits can often be merged for downstream analyses. Moreover, our study contributes to the growing consensus that targeted sequencing data are a powerful tool in resolving rapid radiationsEspaña Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (project CGL2016- 77401-P

    Viscosidad del zumo obtenido por rehidratación de naranja en polvo en función de su tamaño de partícula

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    [ES] Las frutas son componentes esenciales de una dieta saludable, pudiendo contribuir a la prevención de enfermedades cardiovasculares y algunos cánceres. Esta protección es atribuida a su contenido en compuestos bioactivos y fitoquímicos, que contribuyen a su capacidad antioxidante. No obstante, las frutas frescas tienen una corta vida útil asociada a su alto contenido en agua. La liofilización es un método de deshidratación con el que se consiguen productos con alta calidad, y en los que además es aprovechada toda la parte comestible de la fruta. A día de hoy, se pueden encontrar una gran variedad de zumos de frutas en el mercado, pero ninguno de ellos obtenido mediante liofilización de puré de fruta. Después de liofilizar el puré, se obtiene una torta, que debe ser triturada antes de rehidratarse. En este trabajo se pretende obtener un polvo de puré liofilizado de naranja que, tras su rehidratación hasta su contenido de agua inicial, tenga un comportamiento reológico similar al de los zumos comerciales existentes. Con tal propósito, se decidió primero estudiar la influencia de la adición de diferentes solutos de alto peso molecular en el comportamiento reológico del rehidratado obtenido. En segundo lugar, se estudió la relación entre el tamaño de partícula del polvo obtenido al triturar la torta de puré liofilizado y el comportamiento reológico del producto tras la rehidratación del mismo. Para obtener los diferentes tamaños de partícula, la muestra triturada se tamizó a través de aperturas de malla de 0,5, 0,4, 0,3, 0,2 y 0,15 mm. Se caracterizó el comportamiento reológico de todos estos rehidratados y también el de cuatro zumos de naranja comerciales con los que realizar comparaciones. Se comprobó la influencia de los diferentes solutos y se escogió una formulación con goma arábiga (Ga) y fibra de bambú (Fb) para realizar con ella la segunda parte del estudio. En dicha parte se concluyó que la viscosidad del producto rehidratado disminuyó a medida que disminuyó el tamaño de partícula del polvo, de modo que parece posible relacionar ésta con el tamaño de partícula del polvo.[EN] Fruits are essential components of a healthy diet and can contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and some cancers. This protection is attributed to their content in bioactive compounds and phytochemicals, which contribute to its antioxidant capacity. However, fresh fruits have a short shelf life associated with their high water content. Freezedrying is a dehydration method that provides high-quality products and that also makes the most of the edible part of the fruit. Nowadays, a wide variety of fruit juices can be found on the market, but none of them obtained by freeze-drying fruit puree. After freeze-drying the puree, a cake is obtained, which must be crushed before being rehydrated. In this work, we intend to obtain a powder of freeze-dried orange puree, which after being rehydrated until its initial water content will have a similar rheological behavior than commercial orange juices. For this purpose, it was decided to first study the influence of the addition of different high molecular weight solutes on the rheological behavior of the rehydrated obtained. Secondly, the relationship between the particle size of the sieved powder obtained by crushing the freeze-dried cake, and the rheological behavior of the product after its rehydration was studied. To obtain the different particle sizes, the crushed sample was sieved through apertures of 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2 and 0.15 mm mesh. The rheological behavior of these rehydrated samples and also of four commercial orange juices was characterized. The influence of the different solutes was proved, and a formulation with arabic gum (Ga) and bamboo fiber (Fb) was chosen to perform the second part of the study. In this part it was concluded that the viscosity of the rehydrated product decreased as the particle size of the powder decreased, so that it seems possible to relate it to the particle size of the powder.Algarra Alexandre, E. (2017). Viscosidad del zumo obtenido por rehidratación de naranja en polvo en función de su tamaño de partícula. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/85617.TFG

    Desarrollo de un sistema de monitorización de liofilización de pollo mediante espectroscopía dieléctrica

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    [ES] La congelación es un método de conservación muy extendido en la industria cárnica. Además, es una parte importante de otros procesos complejos como la liofilización, que consiste en una deshidratación para reducir la aw tras congelarse el producto a muy bajas temperaturas (-20/-40ºC). El objetivo de este estudio fue desarrollar un modelo termodinámico del proceso de liofilización de carne de pollo utilizando espectrofotometría en el rango de radiofrecuencia, infrarrojo y visible. Se realizó un proceso de congelación y posterior liofilización de dos cilindros de pollo. En uno de ellos se estudió la variación de masa y la variación de temperatura en su cara plana mediante una cámara termográfica. El otro se utilizó para monitorizar la temperatura en la superficie y el centro mediante termopares, y para medir las propiedades dieléctricas con un sensor introducido en el centro de la muestra y conectado al analizador de impedancias. Además, durante el proceso de liofilización se monitorizó la variación de volumen y de la humedad relativa del ambiente. Utilizando los datos obtenidos, se ha desarrollado un modelo termodinámico capaz de explicar las fases de deshidratación que sufre el producto. Es posible utilizar este modelo para optimizar el proceso de liofilización y describir los mecanismos de transporte de agua desde el interior de la muestra hacia el exterior, prediciendo fenómenos de sublimación y evaporación, mejorando así el proceso de liofilización en la industria alimentaria. Además, la espectroscopía dieléctrica es capaz de predecir tanto la formación de los núcleos de hielo durante la congelación, como la pérdida de agua durante los primeros minutos de la liofilización.[EN] Freezing is a widely used preservation method in meat industry. In addition, it¿s an important part of other complex processes such as freeze-drying, which consists of a dehydration aimed to reduce the aw after freezing the product at very low temperatures (-20/-40ºC). The objective of this study was to develop a thermodynamic model of the freeze-drying process in poultry meat using spectrophotometry in the radiofrequency, infrared and visible range. A freezing and subsequent lyophilisation process was carried out on two chicken cylinders. In one of them, the mass variation and the temperature variation in its flat face were studied by means of a thermographic camera. The other one was used to monitor the temperature at the surface and in the center by means of thermocouples, and to measure the dielectric properties with a sensor introduced in the center of the sample and connected to the impedance analyzer. In addition, during the freeze-drying process, the variation in volume and relative humidity of the environment was monitored. Using the data obtained, a thermodynamic model has been developed capable of explaining the phases of dehydration that take place in the product. It is possible to use this model to optimize the freeze-drying process and describe the mechanisms of water transport from the inside of the sample to the outside, predicting phenomena of sublimation and evaporation, thus improving the freeze-drying process in food industry. Thus, dielectric spectroscopy is able to predict both ice cores formation during freezing and water loss during firsts minutes of freeze-drying.Algarra Alexandre, E. (2020). Desarrollo de un sistema de monitorización de liofilización de pollo mediante espectroscopía dieléctrica. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/138699TFG

    O esquadrão da morte no cinema: a violência policial debatida no cinema brasileiro (1977-1979)

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    Analisa como o grupo de extermínio formado no seio da Polícia Civil em finas da década de 1960, chamado Esquadrão da Morte, foi debatido no cinema brasileiro dos anos 1970. Por meio de filmes como Lúcio Flávio – O Passageiro da Agonia e Eu Matei Lúcio Flávio, cineastas, roteiristas e produtores debateram não apenas o fenômeno da violência policial, mas temas como corrupção, a ação de grupos de extermínio e a existência da Ditadura Militar (1964-1985). Pesquisas de diversas áreas ajudam-nos a determinar como objetos culturais como filmes, livros, pinturas e músicas, simultaneamente ajudam a formular e existem dentro de um determinado momento histórico, ideológico e discursivo. A existência de retratos opostos acerca dos integrantes do Esquadrão da Morte, ora descritos como anti-heroicos paladinos da justiça, ora como agentes públicos corrompidos e violentos demonstraria como, na década de 1970, subsistia no interior da sociedade civil brasileira, um discurso de defesa da violência policial, que possivelmente perdura até nossos dias

    Health in ultra endurance events: SUMMIT Lab® Project

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    High-intensity physical activity for an extended period of time could result in unhealthy disruptions to physiological systems. The main goal of the SUMMIT Lab® is to offer to ultra-endurance athletes an assessment of the impact of training with biochemical comparison of pre- and after-race measurements through biochemical (markers of muscle damage, immunity status and cardiovascular system) and physiological responses [localized muscle bioimpedance (LBIA)], cardiac function and differential gene expression. Samples were obtained from 300 participants who completed ultra-distance runs in Europe from 2012 to 2016. We found: (1) CK levels provide a gross indication of muscle-fiber damage but are not specific, they can’t identify the extent of the injury or the type of fibers affected; (2) LBIA serves to track the effects of training or a race on muscle damage, and enables longitudinal assessment of muscle injury through recovery and return to training. (3) Some individuals showed worse right ventricle adaptation during exercise independent from the training volume done or the elite profile. (4) Elite performance is mainly related with training. We have evidence that we can measure quantitatively the effect of training through a specific gene expression profile. Possible additional applications include runners, soccer, army physical condition, among others.Postprint (published version

    Effectiveness of a stress management pilot program aimed at reducing the incidence of sports injuries in young football (soccer) players

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    Objectives Several attempts to reduce the incidence of sport injuries using psychosocial interventions produced fruitful, although inconclusive results. This paper presents the effectiveness and implementation issues of a pilot 3-month stress-management and muscle relaxation program aimed at reducing sport injury incidence. Design Pre-post treatment-non treatment group comparison. Program administration The program was administered by a trained psychologist on a once-a-week, 1-h session basis. Participants Seventy-four male soccer players from four National Youth league teams voluntarily participated. Teams were randomly assigned to either treatment/non-treatment group. Measures Injury protocol, Self-monitoring cards, Athletes' satisfaction and commitment survey, Coaches' interview. Results Group main effect and Time-Group interaction effect were both statistically significant, F(1,60) = 8.30, p = 0.005, η2p = 0.121, with the average number of injuries larger in the post-treatment phase of non-treatment group (p = 0.005, η2p = 0.077). There was a significant decrease in the average number of injuries for the intervention group before and after implementing the program (p < 0.001, η2p = 0.309). Conclusions A controlled implementation of a psychosocial program was effective in reducing youth soccer sport injuries, with a high level of satisfaction and commitment from the athletes, as well as high acceptance from the coachesThis research was supported by the Spanish MINECO (grant PSI2011-27000) and by the Murcia (Spain) Regional Football Association's Proyecto Fútbol, (grant FFRM-UMU-04 0092 321B 6450214704

    Work on PETS Developed at CIEMAT

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    CIEMAT has been working on the RF power extractor so-called PETS (Power Extraction and Transfer Structure) for the CLIC Test Facility 3 (CTF3) since 2007. The first contribution has been installed at the Test Beam Line (TBL). Additionally, a new PETS configuration is presently under fabrication at CIEMAT and will be installed in the Test Module at CTF3. This paper describes the PETS prototypes design, fabrication and assembly techniques. The characterization of the devices with low RF power is also described.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables, 10 references. Work presented in the LCWS1

    Large time behavior for a simplified N-dimensional model of fluid-solid interaction

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    International audienceIn this paper, we study the large time behavior of solutions of a parabolic equation coupled with an ordinary differential equation (ODE). This system can be seen as a simplified NN-dimensional model for the interactive motion of a rigid body (a ball) immersed in a viscous fluid in which the pressure of the fluid is neglected. Consequently, the motion of the fluid is governed by the heat equation and the standard conservation law of linear momentum determines the dynamics of the rigid body. In addition, the velocity of the fluid and that of the rigid body coincide on its boundary. The time variation of the ball position, and consequently of the domain occupied by the fluid, are not known a priori, so we deal with a free boundary problem. After proving the existence and uniqueness of a strong global in time solution, we get its decay rate in LpL^p (1p1\leq p\leq \infty), assuming the initial data to be integrable. Then, working in suitable weighted Sobolev spaces, and using the so-called similarity variables and scaling arguments, we compute the first term in the asymptotic development of solutions. We prove that the asymptotic profile of the fluid is the heat kernel with an appropriate total mass. The LL^\infty estimates we get allow us to describe the asymptotic trajectory of the center of mass of the rigid body as well. We compute also the second term in the asymptotic development in L2L^2 under further regularity assumptions on the initial data